- Lundi 8:00AM - 5:00PM
- mardi 8:00AM - 5:00PM
- Mercredi 8:00AM - 5:00PM
- jeudi 8:00AM - 6:00PM
- vendredi 8:00AM - 6:00PM
- samedi Fermé
- dimanche Fermé
Quais flottants à rames Candock’s rowing products provide a soft, non-abrasive finish for both boaters and competitive canoeists. |
La série Candock ROWING DOCK
Nos produits sont si stables et flottants que les rameurs ne se mouillent jamais lorsqu'ils manipulent leur bateau près du quai flottant..
Candock’s success in this market is due to the durability, buoyancy, stability, zero maintenance, low cost and easy installation of its products. |
Technologie révolutionnaire ROWING DOCK
During the 2013 Canada Games, Candock developed an innovative product specifically designed to meet the increased demand for rowing dock installations. Standards became more stringent for international competitions and the Candock “ROWING DOCK” series was born! The flotation technology means athletes benefit from an ideal height flotation, regardless of the weight stress on the dock. On the dock edges, the most critical spot for exit and launching procedures, the flotation level is perfect at all time. This revolutionary “ROWING DOCK” technology also makes the dock more stable. For an installation requiering heavy load capacities, you can add a load distribution system which will further increase stability. You’ll feel like you’re walking on land! Finally, Candock offers a turnkey solution for competitive boaters with its custom manufacturing service. Candock designs products such as officials’ towers (fixed or floating), plank system for aligners (adjustable or fixed), platforms and departure docks, etc. |
Candock est la solution idéale!
Candock’s rowing products provide a soft, non-abrasive finish for both boaters and competitive canoeists. |
Candock est approuvé par la FISA!
The World Rowing Federation, FISA (from the French, Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Aviron) is the organism ruling over most of the rowing competitions and events happening in the world. |
Made of high density polyethylene resin, Candock’s floating cubes are remarkably resistant to impact, climate change, the adverse effects of water and the sun and a wide range of chemical products. |
L'aspect sécurité des produits nautiques est primordial. C'est pourquoi le système Candock a subi des tests rigoureux. Ses caractéristiques de sécurité comprennent une excellente stabilité du quai, une capacité de charge élevée, un système anti-chute et un système anti-chute.-surface antidérapante et aucune pièce métallique. |
With the Candock system, the concept “maintenance-free” means ZERO maintenance – no more, no less. No more lost time, no more expense, and no more work to be done on a conventional wooden or metal dock year after year. |
Candock est la solution à tous vos besoins d'aviron! |